Formulated by validated research and evidence based doses

At Eden our supplements only include the most extensivly studied ingredients. Each product has the exact amount of every ingredient that is supported by science to give outstanding results.

Our driving belief? We believe the most reliable remedies, paired with the correct dosages will improve the core pillars of masculine and overall health for men.

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Third-party research

Every ingredient in our supplements are intentional, check out the research papers, science journels and publishings within the science community to support them.

Research Papers/Resources


Protective efficacy of Shilajit enriched diet on growth performance and immune resistance.

We investigated the effects of dietary enriched with Shilajit in three dose levels: 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 g kg−1in the basal diet on growth rate, non-specific immune response, and disease resistance for 60 days...

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Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes

Chronic inflammatory diseases like diabetes are on a rise in the Western world. Based on the tsunami of new cases every year, new therapeutic measures must be considered. A promising avenue might involve the attenuation of underlying inflammation through natural health products (NHPs)...

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Clinical evaluation of purified Shilajit on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers

Purified Shilajit, an Ayurvedic rasayana, was evaluated in healthy volunteers of age between 45 and 55 years for its effect on male androgenic hormone viz. testosterone in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study...

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Testosterone Boosters Intake in Athletes: Current Evidence and Further Directions (Shilajit)

As a result, the authors concluded, that the treatment with shilajit for a consecutive 90 days significantly increased total testosterone, free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) compared with a placebo [29]...

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Research Papers/

Fenugreek seeds

Testosterone Boosters Intake in Athletes: Current Evidence and Further Directions (Fenugreek)

Certain fenugreek (or Trigonella foenum-graecum) compounds may inhibit aromatase and 5-alpha reductase activity, leading to decreased testosterone breakdown...

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Examining the Effects of Herbs on Testosterone Concentrations in Men: A Systematic Review (Fenugreek)

Testosterone concentrations in males tend to decline with advancing age. Low testosterone, also known as androgen deficiency (AD), is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality...

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Enhancing Testosterone Level and Improving Sperm Profile in Male Volunteers

Free testosterone levels were improved up to 46% in 90% of the study population. 85.4% of the study population showed improvements in sperm counts. Sperm morphology improved in 14.6% of volunteers...

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Androgen decrease, increases testosterone levels and improves sexual function in healthy aging males in a double-blind randomised clinical study

This was a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial involving 120 healthy men aged between 43 and 70 years of age. The active treatment was standardised Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract at a dose of 600 mg/day for 12 weeks...

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Physiological aspects of male libido enhanced by standardized Trigonella foenum-graecum extract and mineral formulation

The aim of the clinical study was to evaluate the effect of Testofen, a standardised Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) extract and mineral formulation, on male libido (sexual drive, urge or desire) in a double blind randomised placebo controlled study...

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The effects of a commercially available botanical supplement on strength, body composition, power output, and hormonal profiles in resistance-trained males

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Fenugreek supplementation on strength and body composition...

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Fenugreek and Its Effects on Muscle Performance: A Systematic Review

Fenugreek extracts possess promising physiological and pharmacological properties in human and animal models. This review aims to provide a scientific and comprehensive analysis of the literature on the effects of fenugreek extracts on muscle performance...

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Improves free testosterone level and sperm profile in healthy volunteers

A novel, patent-pending 20% protodioscin-enriched extract has been developed in our laboratories from fenugreek seeds(Furosap®). We assessed the efficacy of Furosap®in 50 male volunteers (age: 35-65 years)on free and total increased testosterone levels, sperm profile, mental alertness, cardiovascular health, mood, libido,and quality of life...

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Research Paper/Resources

Ginkgo Biloba

EGb 761: ginkgo biloba extract, Ginkor

EGb 761 [Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761, Rökan, Tanakan, Tebonin] is a standardised extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves and has antioxidant properties as a free radical scavenger. A standardised extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves is a well defined product and contains approximately 24% flavone glycosides (primarily quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin) and 6% terpene lactones (2.8-3.4% ginkgolides A, B and C, and 2.6-3.2% bilobalide)...

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Review About Ginkgo Biloba Special Extract EGb 761 (Ginkgo)

Ginkgo biloba extracts (EGb) are well-defined plant extracts. It has several indications as dementia, macula
degeneration, tinnitus and winter depression. A review of the current and past literature about older people with
Alzheimer's dementia or vascular dementia or age-associated memory impairment treated with Ginkgo biloba extract,
reveals that EGb has reproducible effects on cognitive functions in Alzheimer's disease...

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Stabilization of mitochondrial function by Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761)

In this study we used PC12 cells and dissociated mice brain cells, as well as isolated mitochondria to investigate the effects of EGb 761 on mitochondrial functions. We mimicked mitochondrial abnormalities during aging by using external factors (nitrosative stress, serum deprivation and complexes inhibitors) consequently altering mitochondrial processes, such as energy metabolism...

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Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® improves cognition and overall condition after ischemic stroke: Results from a pilot randomized trial

Over the 24-week period, EGb 761®treatment improved overall cognitive performance among patients with mild to moderate ischemic stroke. Our findings provide valuable recommendations for the design of future trials, including the criteria for patient selection...

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Research Papers/Resources

Nettle Root

The Effects of a Multi-Ingredient Performance Supplement on Hormonal Profiles and Body Composition in Male College Athletes

Periods of intense training can elicit an acute decline in performance and body composition associated with weakened hormone profiles. This study investigated the effects of a multi-ingredient performance supplement (MIPS) on body composition and hormone levels in college athletes following a six-week training protocol...

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Examining the Effects of Herbs on Testosterone Concentrations in Men: (Nettle Root)

Testosterone concentrations in males tend to decline with advancing age. Low testosterone, also known as androgen deficiency (AD), is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Currently, the primary treatment for AD is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which may exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions...

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The regulative effect of Nettle Root on sexhormones imbalance: elevated follicle-stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone ratio

Few studies have examined the effect of nettle on the egg
production in adult hens. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of diet supplemented with nettle powder (NP) in aged quails...

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Research Papers/Resources

Bacopa Monnieri

Neuropharmacological Review of the Nootropic Herb Bacopa monnieri

Several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have substantiated BM's nootropic utility in humans. There is also evidence for potential attenuation of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy...

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Efficacy of Standardized Extract of Bacopa monnieri on Cognitive Functions of Medical Students: A Six-Week, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

Hence this study was planned to evaluate the effect ofBacopa monnierion memory of medical students for six weeks.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy ofBacopa monnierion memory of medical students with six weeks' administration...

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Bacopa monnieri as a nootropic, neuroprotective, or antidepressant supplement and it's effects

The selected studies suggested that the plant extracts were able to show some improvements in healthy subjects which were determined in Auditory Verbal Learning Task, digit span-reverse test, inspection time task and working memory, even though it was not significant, as no two studies found statistically significant changes in the same two tests...

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Bacopa monnieri and Their Bioactive Compounds Inferred Multi-Target Treatment Strategy for Neurological Diseases

Indian traditional and Ayurvedic medicine used to combat the complex diseases from a holistic and integrative point of view has shown efficiency and effectiveness in the treatment of NDs. Bacopa monnieriis a potent Indian medicinal herb used for multiple ailments, but is significantly known as a nootropic or brain tonic and memory enhancer...

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Research Papers/Resources

Ajuga Turkestanica

Combined Effects of Exercise and Phytoanabolic Extracts in Castrated Male and Female Mice

A. turkestanica, combined with exercise, has a different impact in muscle function of OVX and ORX mice and appears to show better results in ladder climbing speed and muscle strength in ORX mice compared to OVX mice...

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Phytoecdysteroids and Their Anabolic Effects in Skeletal Muscle in Sedentary Aging Mice

Skeletal muscle mass and strength are lost with aging. Phytoecdysteroids, in particular 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), increase protein synthesis in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells and muscle strength in young rats...

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Ecdysterone and Turkesterone—Compounds with Prominent Potential in Sport and Healthy Nutrition

The naturally occurring compounds ecdysterone and turkesterone, which are present in plants, includingRhaponticum carthamoidesWilld. (Iljin),Spinacia oleraceaL.,Chenopodium quinoaWilld., andAjuga turkestanica(Regel) Briq, are widely recognized due to their possible advantages for both general health and athletic performance...

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Research Papers/Resources

Black Maca Root

Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and libido

A randomized, double-blind trial found that maca significantly increased sexual desire in men compared to a placebo. However, this effect was independent of testosterone levels, suggesting that maca enhances libido without altering hormonal balance

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The effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen.

A pilot study on male cyclists demonstrated that 14 days of maca supplementation significantly improved both physical endurance and sexual desire, suggesting that black maca enhances libido even in physically active individuals.

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Extracts of Black or Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii) and mood. Adult Human Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

A study investigating black maca's effects on sexual desire and mood in adults showed significant improvements. Participants consuming black maca extracts for 12 weeks experienced enhanced mood, energy levels, and sexual desire. These benefits were observed in both low-altitude and high-altitude populations.

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