How To Drink Alcohol & Live Healthy

How To Drink Alcohol & Live Healthy

You have probably had a fair few 'big Saturday night' kind of nights in your lifetime I assume? 

If you clicked on this to find a way to drink and stay optimal your in luck because your about to get the biggest secret that people deny to be true when they find out!

Are you ready?

Young men shouldn't be looking like this in their "prime years"

Although alcohol isn't a main cause it's certainly a pillar supporting a house of bad habits that lead to this photo above.

So by now you probably know that the way to drink alcohol and stay health doesn't exist!

Drinking cannot be on your list of habits when you have the best years of your life to thrive and conquer. Even if you aren't hungry to conquer thats fine too.

But it's still not a get out of jail free card. 

If your on this journey for peak health you would be well aware of microplastics, seed oils, pesticides, poor quality food fed to our livestock. All these things that we have very little control of damaging our wellbeing as men.

So why add a habit of drinking to the mix that YOU choose to include.

What does alcohol do that affects us men?

We all know alcohol damages our liver but here are some things we thought you would actually be interested in.

1. Cognitive Ability
: Excessive alcohol consumption can impair cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making abilities. Chronic heavy drinking can lead to long-term cognitive deficits and an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia

2. Hormonal Imbalance: Alcohol can disrupt the balance of hormones in men, including testosterone. Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to decreased testosterone levels, which may result in symptoms such as reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, and fatigue.

3.Muscle Development: Heavy alcohol consumption can hinder muscle development and recovery. Alcohol interferes with protein synthesis, which is essential for muscle repair and growth after exercise. Additionally, alcohol's dehydrating effects can impair muscle function and performance during physical activity.

So knowing all this what do we actually do?

Well heres 3 things you can actually do to reduce temptation or restrict your intake of our normalised poison :)

1. Find Alternative Activities
: Engage in activities that don't involve alcohol. Explore hobbies, exercise, spend time with friends who don't heavily drink, or attend events where alcohol isn't the focus. Remember your environment is everything!

2. Track Your Intake: Keep a record of how much alcohol you consume daily or weekly. This awareness can help you identify patterns, triggers, and areas where you can cut back. Start keeping super conscious of what your choices are and how you can slowly ease of day by day.

3. Set Boundaries: This is definitly easier said than done at the beginning but it's super important that you establish boundaries around alcohol consumption, such as designated alcohol-free days or limiting the number of drinks per occasion. Stick to these boundaries consistently to reinforce healthier habits. This allows you to build up to the main goal rather than going cold turkey and you can actually slowly ease into it and sustain the changes your making.

By no means is cutting out alcohol an easy task and it's even not easy to accept that it's necessary. The reality is this. How bad do you want to feel truely alive?

I don't not being drunk I mean beyond what most people see as normal. We are so clouded by the modern surroundings we don't even know how far our human potential can go to thrive.

So why not start now. Your mind is strong than this now it's time to change it.

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