Calories In Calories Out Just Isn't Enough

Calories In Calories Out Just Isn't Enough

In the world we live in today the normalised way of 'eating healthy' has drifted so far from our natural way of life it's crazy! The idea of you are what you eat is still such a true concept in todays world and more important now then every before. Many people have the train of thought on calories in calories out, eat more to bulk, eat less to lose weight. The reality to this is that it's not healthy. We only see change on the outside but lets dive into how important our health is with whats on the inside when we eat 'to fit our calories'

Lets start with a super easy truth but tough pill to swallow for most. Ready for it?

"1500 Calories of McDonalds is not the same as 1500 Calories of Grass-Fed Beef, Avocado, Natural Yogurt, and Organic Berries."

Crazy right?

Even if that still puts you eating less calories you need to view the food you do put in exactly like the fuel you put in a car. Lets say your a luxury supercar (because I would assume you view your bodies as extremely valuable). Would you then go and put diesel in a car that take 98 octane?

Your body is the exact same. 

Although the calories might be the same your bodies internal response to the food is just as if not way more important.

-How you feel post digestion (sluggish, tired OR fired up, energised)

-Certain genes are affected by the fine print ingredients and chemicals involved in cooking and production of ultra processed foods.

-The pesticides sprayed all over your fruit and veg that you then 'wash' thinking they haven't absorbed into the food your putting into your body for nutrients.
(washing your fruit in luke warm water doesn't wash it off by the way)

The list can go on.

So if your this far in and worried you will drop dead tomorrow or grow another head in 20 years time from seed oils and chemicals in ultra processed food. What can you do about it today.


Eat a whole food diet:
Now this will vary slightly for everyone as people have preferences of taste and enjoyment of food but the rules can be simplified. Focus on eating things that come as close to how they are found as possible. 
Paul Saladino is an amazing person to follow for this!

For example.

Apples grow on trees but twinkies don't (I know shocking).
Grass-Fed Beef Mince is direct from the farm but Mcdonalds chicken nuggets aren't.

Eat Organic, Grass-Fed, Natural:
Ideally although an apple and beef mince can be great the trip between the place its harvested and your mouth can put it through a world of chemicals and hormones. So how do we combat this. 

If it's meat look for "Grass Fed", ensuring that the animals ate what is naturally in nature instead of put in pens and pumped factory scraps/food,

If it's fruit and veg, go for "Organic" as anything with organic on it by law has not been processed and chemical pumped like everything else on most of the shelves.

For those who love their eggs, look for "Pasture Raised" eggs as this is the best possible outcome where Chickens can not only eat what they want in nature but also roam the field like they normally should. Watch out for "Free range" because although they get to roam free on the farm they still get fed the same garbage. So look out for "Pasture Raised".

If all of that you are already doing. Your ahead of the curb and are in the right place to because we value the same stuff you do. What we can offer is to check out our other blog on taking it to the next level with supplementation. This is the next step up from diet as this is our sword and armour to combat the world of microplastics and estrogenics around us.




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